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Conferences — November 2024 in San Diego

Join Us in San Diego for the Fall Conference!

We’re excited to announce that NAADAC’s next conference will be held on November 13 – 15, 2024, at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, in San Diego, California.  Conference hotel virtual tour.  A block of rooms is reserved at the conference rate of $189 per night (excluding state and local taxes) with a cut-off date of October 22, 2024. This rate will also be available to conference registrants up to three nights before and after the conference. Book your group rate for the NAADAC Fall Conference.

Fall 2024 Newsletter

Newsletter (Word accessible format) | Newsletter (PDF)

Conference Agenda

There will have three tracks of the conference—Access, Services, and Design, Employment, and Higher Education. If you have attended prior NAADAC conferences, you will recognize many of the experienced and capable faculty, including representatives from the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Agenda (Word accessible format)  | Agenda (PDF) (updated October 17th)

Conference Faculty and Keynote Speakers

Speakers (Word accessible format) (updated October 22nd)  

Early-Bird Conference Online Registration

If completed on or before September 30, 2024, the full conference registration fee will be $1300 for associates and $1500 for non-associates. Use this link if you have paid your annual associate dues and this link if you have not.  Single-day registration is also available.  For single-day registration, please send an email to to arrange for registration and payment.

Standard Conference Online Registration

For registrations made after September 30, 2024, the full conference fee will be $1500 for associates and $1800 for non-associates. Use this link if you have paid your annual association dues and this link if you have not. Single-day registration is also available.  For single-day registration, please send an email to to arrange for registration and payment.

Registration by Mail

Please use this link to access a form to register by mail. The same eligibility deadline for early-bird registrations and payments will apply.  PDF version of the mail in registration form.


Please direct any registration and payment questions to Brian Nelson, NAADAC Executive Director: (801) 376-9863 or

Registration Entitlements

All registrants will receive breakfast and lunch on all three days of the conference.  Additionally, complementary WiFi will be available in each guestroom and public space. Overnight parking will also be discounted to $25 per night.

Travel to/from the San Diego Airport

There is no free shuttle service available between the San Diego airport and the hotel. Conference attendees must arrange their own travel between the hotel and the airport and pay the costs of that travel. The following entities can provide accessible transportation between the airport and the hotel:

  • Coronado Livery – 619.542.1924 and 619.417.6310 (cell)
  • Loops Transportation – 858.703.8555
